As noted in a previous report, members of Bowen Asset Management were in Las Vegas from September 26 through 29 attending the “Emerald Groundhogs on Tour 2019” investment conference, an annual event presented by the Lancaster County-based firm Emerald Asset Management. As always, it offered a chance to find out about investment opportunities, social trends, Read more
Bowen Reports
Destination Unknown: Uncertainty Marks Third-Quarter Economic Report
The huge American economy, driven largely by consumer, business, and government spending, amounts to more than $21 trillion in goods and services each year; however, its health can change based on external shocks, such as trade decisions, and public policy, such as changes in the tax code. This is reflected in the uncertainty shadowing the Read more
Use That Cookie Jar: Cybersecurity and You
While maintaining cybersecurity is obviously beneficial for a financial services firm, it can also benefit you as an individual. From high-profile attacks, such as those at Equifax and Capital One, to lesser-known crimes such as the heist of DD Perks accounts at Dunkin Donuts or the ubiquitous fake emails from ersatz computer companies, hackers are Read more
Suit Up In Las Vegas with Emerald Groundhogs: Part 1
From September 26 through 29, members of Bowen Asset Management attended the “Emerald Groundhogs on Tour 2019” investment conference in Las Vegas. This annual event, presented by the Lancaster County-based Emerald Asset Management, is an always informative and sometimes challenging look at investment opportunities, social trends, and emerging technologies and businesses. Apart from the usual Read more
Cross Currents: Second Quarter Economic Report
Global events continue to roil economic indicators and pull the market into fluctuations that are difficult to predict and are sometimes more related to perception than real activity. Still, the second-quarter reports give a somewhat clearer view, even if it is difficult to predict the prevailing wind and where it may take us. Divergent signals Read more
Education Costs: The Impact of Student Loan Debt
There are currently more than 44 million borrowers owing approximately $1.6 trillion in student loan debt to banks and the government. In the United States alone, student loan debt is now the second highest consumer-debt category, behind only mortgage debt, making it greater than what’is owed on both credit cards and auto loans. Student loans Read more