You probably already know the rational steps to take during a financial crisis: Don’t look at your 401(k) or investment accounts. Don’t stay glued to the cable TV business channels or bury yourself in reports by the financial press. And, above all else, do not panic-sell your investments. Trying to manage any short-term market-timing during Read more
Bowen Reports
Circuit Breakers and Stock Market Machinery
The effort to limit the spread of the COVID-19 virus has caused major disruptions in our daily lives, and wild fluctuations in the stock market. While the effect on our lives are somewhat in our control, the stock market volatility may seem unpredictable and chaotic. However, there are mechanisms in place to prevent the market Read more
How Hard Has the Coronavirus Already Hit the Economy?
Besides the toll on those afflicted, the coronavirus known as COVID-19 is spreading global anxiety and uncertainty. As we have seen recently, the markets do not behave predictably when there is uncertainty, which makes it difficult to say how will the virus affect the economy. Without a vaccine (said to be a year or more Read more
What’s in Your 401(k)?
With every bull and bear, each uptick or downturn in the market, you’re sure to hear someone say something about the fortunes of their 401(k). (Pro tip: the only time this can matter is when you are closing out your 401(k); otherwise, the current state of your 401(k) is just a snapshot of a moment Read more
The SECURE Act: Changes in Your Retirement
On December 19, 2019, the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement Act of 2019, better known as the SECURE Act—which originally passed through the House in the spring—was finally approved by the Senate as part of an end-of-year appropriations act and accompanying tax measure. The new law, signed by President Trump on December 20, is mainly intended Read more
Holiday Tidings: Time for Year-End Planning
The holidays are a whirl of parties, presents, lights, and looking back on the year just about over. Along with the rest of the seasonal activities, we at Bowen Asset Management hope you’ll have time for one more: our year-end planning checklist. We hope this will make for a happy reflection on the old year Read more